Utility Bill Audit

Have you ever had a utility bill audit performed?

If not, there has never been a better time.

What could be better than getting unexpected money back in the form of a utility or telecommunications refund? That's what you get when we've completed a successful audit of your bills!

Since 2000, Utility Refund Solutions,Inc. has been providing quality utility and telecommunications bill auditing on a contingency fee basis.

We do not charge anything upfront and there is no out of pocket expense.

If we do not produce results, there is no fee. It is a win-win situation!

Our audits are performed without any inconvenience on your part and no interference to your operations. We only require one months worth of bills to get started.

There is no reason not to have an audit performed by us.

Even if you have an audit done in the past, it is always a good idea to have one performed again because:

1. Something that was not on the bills during the last audit may have appeared now.

2. Tariffs may have changed without a reflection on your bill.

3. A new rate may have been added that would be more beneficial to your business.

4. Your business may have reduced hours, added equipment, or any combination of both of these situations which may entitle you to a more beneficial rate.

5. We have performed audits for companies that have had it done in the past and have recovered money that other auditors have missed.

Any of these reasons would make you a great candidate for a utility bill audit!

So, what are you waiting for?

Contact us today at 877 2-REFUND (273-3863) to get started!

Click Here To See Our Latest Utility Refund!

Click Here To See Our Latest Telecom Refund!

Contact Us! 877 2-REFUND (273-3863)

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